2024 Lavender Graduation


Friday, May 10th
5:30 PM - 7:30PM
Golden West College

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What is a Lavender Graduation?

Lavender graduation is an annual ceremony to honor LGBTQIA+ graduates and acknowledge their achievements and contributions to the college. The lavender graduation ceremony was created by dr. Ronni Sanlo, who was denied the opportunity to attend the graduations of her biological children because of her sexual orientation. From this experience, she designed the first lavender graduation ceremony in 1995. With 3 graduates. By 2001, there were over 45 lavender graduation ceremonies at colleges and universities nationwide.


Why Lavender?

The color lavender represents pride and resistance against oppression in the queer community. In Western culture, it started as a color of desire as the 7th century (BCE) poet Sappho depicted erotic predilections for younger women with "violet tiaras" in her poems. By the end of the 19th century, the public began linking lavender with homosexuality. In the 1920s, members of the lesbian community gifted violets as an expression of sapphic interest. Eventually, the connections between lavender, violets, and homosexuality led to increased discrimination against members of the LGBTQIA+ community.

In response to continued oppression, the queer community seized lavender in 1969 as a symbol of empowerment. Lavender sashes and armbands were distributed to a crowd of hundreds in a "gay power" march from Washington Square Park to the Stonewall Inn in New York, to commemorate the Stonewall Riots that had just taken place a month before. Organizers have since utilized lavender to celebrate queer graduates with ceremonies that are designed to uplift graduating members of the community and celebrate their achievements. Coast Community Colleges hosts a lavender graduation ceremony to celebrate the long history of lavender's association with the queer community, empower students to stand against oppression, and celebrate themselves and the LGBTIA+ community.

Regular Programming

Rainbow Cove

Rainbow Cove is an LGBTQIA+ drop-in space that is alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM during the Fall & Spring semesters. It is for LGBTQIA+ students and their allies to gather in, with little to no structure involved. Here you can find snacks, games, LGBTQIA+ books, and more. Hope to see you, there! 
Questions? Please contact occlgbtq@cccd.edu or call/text 714-714-7475
Spring Schedule:
Tuesdays - 2/06, 3/05, 3/19, 4/02, 4/16, 4/30, 5/14, & 5/21
Wednesdays - 2/14, 2/28, 3/13, 4/10, 5/08, & 5/22

Pride Scholars Community

Pride Scholars is a community LGBTQIA+ students and their allies to connect with one another. Monthly meetings provide students with the opportunity to connect with faculty & staff who can help you advocate for their needs, learn about on- and off-campus resources, and have discussions about LGBTQIA+ topics of interest.

Sign-up Here!

*This is not a student-led club/organization, but you can be connected to one through the sign-up sheet!