Nancy Estrada Overcomes Obstacles, and Graduates with Son

OCC Marketing & Public Relations
May 26, 2023
  • News Release

Nancy and son standing by large Go Coast letter monument.It has been challenging for Nancy Estrada, Associate in Arts for Transfer in Spanish. Through the ups and downs, she focused on family. It has brought her strength and determination and will culminate on May 26 as Orange Coast College's 2023 Commencement Student Speaker alongside her son Adam.

Estrada is a first-generation graduate of her seven siblings. Her parents migrated from Mexico in the 70s, and there was violence and abuse in the house. The same year she graduated high school, she started her own family with her high school sweetheart. She worked multiple jobs to help support the four children they eventually had, and in 2010 the family welcomed five siblings into their home after a family tragedy. Determined to keep the children together, they went to court to adopt them. Her large family and work in the school and education system made her want to do more.

"How many lives can I impact if I do this?" said Estrada. "Children have always surrounded me. I want to be that source that they can go to and talk to about anything. I'm willing to go the extra mile to help you. I don't care if I must jump through hoops."

Estrada started at OCC in 2016, full of doubt. During this time, her son Adam was diagnosed with an untreatable malformation in his brain. Instead of giving up hope, he persevered and wanted to move on with life, so he enrolled at OCC and has plans to be a pharmacologist to make medicines to cure those untreatable diseases. This determination inspired Estrada to finish her degree in time to walk with her son at graduation.

"His confidence and determination to keep moving forward… despite everything he was going through… made him my hero. If he could do it…with all his challenges and limitations, I had to do it for him, myself, and my family. From that day on, I didn't stop. I worked hard so that I may walk with my hero when he graduates. I will be walking with my hero today."

Estrada plans to transfer to Cal State University Long Beach to become a Spanish Teacher and has goals to become Superintendent one day.

Her advice for returning students: "If you already have it in your mind, 'I want to do this.' That means you're ready. Fear will hold you back. Just go for it. Don't be afraid if you look different or sound different. There are no silly questions; ask all the questions. Take baby steps by taking one class and see how it works. You're a click away."

OCC will provide live streaming of the ceremony at