Film and Rental Requests

​​​​​​​​Film Guidelines

The Marketing and Public Relations Department is the resource for information about filming on Orange Coast College property. We provide information about the college's filming procedures and are the department to contact if you want to request a filming location permit to produce a feature film, stills or a television broadcast project. For convenience, the word “film” or any variation thereof that is used in these guidelines include motion pictures, filming, videotape, still photography, digital imaging and audio recordings.

Student Filming

Only student filming projects required by a faculty member for class credit would be exempt from requesting a filming location permit. These students would receive guidance for work on these projects through their academic units.

Registered Student Organizations

Are exempt from requesting a filming location permit; however, registered student organizations are required to receive guidance for work on the project by the Association Students of Orange Coast College and follow the same guidelines as student filming projects.

Film Industry Productions

A filming permit is required for external filming such as feature films, documentaries and photography by commercial photographers/videographers. The Marketing and Public Relations Department is responsible for all arrangements pertaining to filming on the College's property including reviewing and processing film permits and supervising the filming production on behalf of the College. The Marketing and Public Relations Department screens and processes all requests to film on campus and coordinates with all campus units involved in the production.

Internal College Filming

No permit is required for projects by university units for college purposes such as filming staff training videos, etc., and all filming rights would belong to the College.

Filming Co-sponsored by College Departments

Occasionally an academic unit may choose to co-sponsor a filming project with an external production company with the understanding that all rights to the filmed material will belong to Orange Coast College. Certain limited use rights may be granted to the producer at the discretion of the college. These projects must be cleared by the Marketing and Public Relations Department.

Visitors on Campus

No permit is required for the incidental, unobtrusive non-commercial filming or photography by visitors or tourists to the campus. Any such filming or photography may not be used for commercial purposes at any time without the express written permission of the Marketing and Public Relations Department.

For additional information please contact Karen Latham by phone at  (714) 432 - 5881 or by email at

Facility Rental Requests

Orange Coast College, as a public institution, is willing to allow its facilities and grounds to be used by various community groups and organizations under certain conditions. To the extent that space is available and subject to reasonable procedures for reservation, Orange Coast College will allow organizations to campus for their meetings/events. Attendance at any event or meeting may not be restricted on the basis of race, sex, color, religious preference, handicap or national origin. A group utilizing Orange Coast College's facilities shall in no way violate any policy or regulation of Orange Coast College. All organizations are expected to follow the specific rules and regulations governing the facilities or grounds being used.

​Please visit our Facility Rentals for more information.​