Pirate Spotlight


Your hard work and dedication doesn't go unseen! You make Orange Coast College PROUD!


Gonzalo Nava student of the month of November
Hi, my name is Gonzalo Nava. I am a father of 2 blessings and a husband. I’m 37 years old. My major is Kitchen Manager and Head Chef Cuisine, and I work around 40 to 45 hours every week, sometimes more than that.My personal goal at Orange Coast College is to obtain a certificate in Culinary Arts and finish my GED at Huntington Beach Adult School. Orange Coast College has a great program called Adult Education Dual Enrollment. This program has helped me continue my education and get closer to my goals. There are many services OCC provides. For example, I have been visiting counselor, Bianca Aguirre, at the Adult Education office. She is a great person. I have used the tutoring services as well. Since I started the classes at OCC, I’m feeling more confident as an adult student, even though English is my second language. Honestly, I discovered that age isn’t a problem to achieve my goals. Also, I would like to say thank you so much to the Adult Education program at OCC and Huntington Beach Adult School. I recommend it to anyone who wants to achieve their goals. Remember, age isn’t a problem! Don’t give up!!


Kaylee Tanzawa at Orange Coast College

Hi, my name is Kaylee Tanzawa. I came to the U.S. two years ago to live with my husband. At first, I was so nervous to speak English. I avoided situations that needed the use of English, but at the same time, I was eager to improve my English skills. One day, I finally decided to go to the Adult Education Office at OCC. The statement: "We provide FREE English classes" encouraged me to take action. The Adult Education Office has helped me a lot! Since the first moment, Ana took me to a PC and helped me on everything I needed for registration. I was glad I was able to communicate with her, even though my English was broken. Through this experience, I was strongly encouraged to learn English to communicate with other people. In the middle of my first semester, I heard about another opportunity from my counselor, Bianca. It was the Adult Dual Enrollment Program, which enables me to take FREE credit classes at OCC, while I attend adult school. Now, I am taking 3 CREDIT classes (9 units), rather than 3 NONCREDIT classes at OCC, and working on my High School Diploma course at Huntington Beach Adult School. It does take a lot of time, but I am fully satisfied with the great opportunities to improve my English skills and learn new things without a cost - with the exception of few textbooks. Some of my goals are to communicate with people more fluently in English. Also, to finish my high school diploma and to obtain an associate degree in Computer Science. This will help improve my skills related to my previous job in the IT industry.


Truong Nguyen Pirate Spotlight student standing infront of the OCC sign outside

Hi, my name is Truong Quynh Thu Nguyen, and I come from the vibrant and culturally rich country of Vietnam. Before Orange Coast College (OCC), I attended Lincoln Adult Education, setting the stage for my educational journey. My goal is to become a mental health expert, and OCC has been instrumental in making this dream a reality. The unwavering support from the faculty has provided me with the knowledge and skills essential for future success. OCC's counseling service, where Bianca has been incredibly helpful, has been a game-changer. Her support, specifically guiding me on the necessary subjects for my major and assisting with the registration process, has ensured a smoother path toward my goals. What distinguishes the OCC Adult Education Program is its commitment to accessibility. It has made education more feasible, enabling me to concentrate on my studies, providing more opportunities for better job prospects. In conclusion, OCC has offered the necessary tools, support, and affordability to pursue my dream of becoming a mental health expert. I'm grateful for the opportunities they've provided and their commitment to advancing education for better employment and improved skills.


Olga Mendoza student of the month of February
Hi, my name is Olga Mendoza, and I am originally from the state of Puebla, located in Mexico. My kids were excited and supportive when they found out I'd be attending school. They have been the best emotional support through this journey, along with my mother and two grandchildren. I currently attend Huntington Beach Adult School, and that is where I saw the class Orange Coast College was offering called "Child Development & Education". I knew it'd be a challenge, but I decided to get enrolled in the class and follow my dream. My main objective in my education and professional career is to finish my last 12 units at OCC to obtain my license and finally get to open my own Day Care! I realized I loved working with children when I'd help assist in my kids' school, back when they were in kindergarten. This is when I realized I wanted to pursue a career in the Child Development field. I've received so much support from OCC's professors, staff, and administration. They have helped me obtain the necessary skills and information to reach my goals. Huntington Beach Adult School also supported me through their ESL classes and programs. I just want to thank Orange Coast College for always supporting me and for being super comprehensive. They know English is my second language, and they've always made me feel confident in myself and understood.

MARCH 2024

Pirate Spotlight of March 2024, Yolanda Reyes
Hi, my name is Yolanda Reyes, and I am originally from Sonora, Mexico. I am a mother of 4. I came to the US with one of my sons, looking for a better life. I am a dedicated mother to my family, so I worked hard and married later. Once my kids grew up, I decided I wanted to start a new career. I attended Trident Education Center, which is located in Anaheim, CA. That is where I obtained my High School Diploma. When I moved to Westminster, I enrolled in the English programs at Huntington Beach Adult School to better my English. My main objective in my education and professional career is to obtain my certificate to become a Pre-K Teacher Assistant, in hopes to later become a Pre-K teacher. Orange Coast College has helped me a lot! I thank my counselor, Bianca Aguirre, as she is the one who has been guiding & encouraging me throughout this amazing journey. Whenever I felt lost, she was always there to explain any questions I had & showed me the best options to take. My family has been such a great support system! I also received support from the professors at OCC. They are always there to help & guide us. The library and Tutoring Center have also been of great support. The Adult Education program is really helpful to any adult that is willing to pursue a profession. They help you with the application process, give you advice, & encourage you to continue your education, step by step. It is amazing!

APRIL 2024

April 2024 Pirate Spotlight Vadym Hurhula
Hi, my name is Vadym Hurhula. I arrived from Ukraine to the United States with my family. I am currently attending OCC and improving my English and studying in various professions within the college. Some of my educational and career goals is to obtain a certificate in the Diplomatic sphere. I am currently working on obtaining my First Aid certification. I believe this will be beneficial in life. Orange Coast College has great and friendly staff, and I am thankful to everyone who has been supporting Ukraine.

MAY 2024

Mirella Perez standing in the campus quad at OCC
Hi, my name is Mirella Perez. I am Mexican. I 've been living in California for almost 2 years now, alongside my husband and 3 kids. In Mexico, I studied Business Administration and have a Masters in Agribusiness. I have more than 20 years of experience in the area of logistics and purchasing, mainly in the automotive industry. This is my first time studying in an adult school. My educational goals are to improve my English. To practice the grammar, pronunciation, and get a better comprehension of the language. I would like to find a job where I can contribute my experience & continue to grow in my personal and professional development. OCC has helped me achieve my goals by providing me with the opportunity to study English with advanced programs and courses with qualified teachers who are committed to student learning. I have met up with the counselor, Bianca Aguirre, to update my resume. She also helped me know about the different programs I can study to achieve my professional and educational goals. The Adult Education program is an excellent opportunity to learn and develop in the field of your choice. I want to thank the entire team of this department who are always available, with the best attitude, to help clarify doubts, solve any issue, and provide support to students and people interested in the program. I feel very lucky and grateful to be a Pirate in OCC!

JUNE 2024

Araceli Ramirez Cruz standing in the campus quad at OCC
Hi, my name is Araceli Ramirez Cruz. I started my career in México as a Preschool and Kindergarten Teacher. I also taught parenting classes and Reading & Promotion activities in the library where my main function was to help the growth of children. In México, I heard about the free English classes for adults offered through the college, in the United States. Seven years ago, I began my English studies by going to college to ask for information. I was able to obtain my citizenship & Driver’s License. I also got a job as a Noon Time Supervisor in a school. Currently, I have a year with my new job position as a Teacher Assistant in the Westminster School District, but my goal is to become a Pre-K teacher. OCC has helped me achieve my goals through their English classes. It has also allowed me to transfer my studies from México to the US. I was able to obtain my Teacher's Permit Credential. I also received guidance on what classes I should take to continue my educational goals, but I also got financial support & was given motivation. The staff was respectful and gave positive attitude. In addition, I had the support from the Adult Education Counselor. Thanks to the Adult School I was able to regain my voice and have a happier life. Thank you, Adult Ed., you changed my life!

July 2024

Araceli Ramirez Cruz standing in the campus quad at OCC
Hi, my name is Yuliia Martenko. I am a person forged in the fires of resilience and ambition. Born in the heart of Ukraine, I crossed the ocean to America with only my loyal dog, Damian, by my side. The road was hard and uncertain, but my spirit was unyielding. The land was new, the language foreign, but I pressed on with the determination of one who has faced greater trials. Every day was a battle against the unknown, every step a defiance of doubt. I felt the weight of my homeland, the memories of Ukraine, pressing on my heart. Yet, with Damian's faithful eyes watching me, I knew I could not falter. My love for him mirrored my love for the journey—both filled with challenges and boundless possibilities. Education became my beacon in the storm. With two master's degrees in management, I stood as a testament to what a fierce will and relentless dedication can achieve...(READ MORE ON OUR SOCIAL PLATFORMS)


B.R. standing in the campus quad at OCC
Hi, my name is Basma Rafaah, you can call me B.R. I heard about the Adult Education program through the social media account of a teacher at another university. I sent an email to the college, and here I am starting this new experience. My first goal was to get out of the house and regain my social skills, which I was able to do well. My second goal was to learn the English language and speak it fluently. That is what I am currently trying to do. I have other goals that I aspire to achieve, like equalizing my grades. I need a bit more to get an associate degree, but I want to learn new sciences to add to the collection of what I've learned over the years. I also have ideas for development and innovation, which is why I am trying to find the right classes to encourage me to invest and develop. I never imagined that it'd be this easy and accessible to obtain an education here at OCC. I had previously tried to get a scholarship in my country but wasn't of age. I also tried during my studies at a university in my country and chose subjects other than my specialty to invent a specific device, but that did not work. I see this is available here and that's a great feature! There should be no limits to science and knowledge. The college offers many services for their students, some of which I have benefited from, and I hope to discover more in the future. Finally, I would like to thank the Adult Education Office, not only for what they do, but for the good choice of staff who are courteous and proactive in providing assistance and accommodating to students, regardless of their language and speaking level. Personally, I feel optimistic whenever I enter the office and see Ana greeting us with her bright smile. Last summer, I was struggling mentally, and without even realizing it, she pulled me out of the state I was in. She added me in a class that was starting, right away. Since then, my psychological state began to improve, and today I have broken many psychological barriers and strive to achieve more achievements. I hope I don't face too many obstacles in achieving my goal of learning through enjoyment. I hope the educational process will evolve to become more fun and attractive for students, especially for whom a strict approach can lead them to abandon experimentation and engage in creativity.


Fernando Garcia in front of the OCC sign

Hi, my name is Fernando Garcia. I am Chilean. I came to live in California two years ago. I have experience in the health field since I worked in hospitals for several years in my country, especially with seriously ill people. My primary goal for now is to continue improving my English skills and then achieve some health certification. I am currently taking ELL and GED classes. I will be starting the Adult Dual Enrollment program soon and begin taking credit classes. Orange Coast College has been a key pillar for my integration to live in this city and I have used some of OCC's student resources such as counseling & the food pantry at the Pirate's Cove. These resources have been very helpful to me. As for the Adult Education office, I want to express my thanks to Ana, Jouly, Karen, Abigail, Jose, & Bianca, they all form a great team of work & have been helpful. Studying makes us grow as people and leads us to a better society. IT"S NEVER TOO LATE!


Trang Tran in front of an OCC sign

Hi, my name is Trang Tran. I am currently living in the city of Stanton, CA. I have been living in the US since 2004. I am single and currently work as Manicurist. When I have free time, I like swimming, to be healthy, and I also like to cook. I like improving my English, whether that is speaking, writing, reading, & listening. My goal is to achieve a two-year degree in Orange Coast College, then my plan is to transfer to a four-year university. The Orange Coast College Adult Education office staff are very nice. They help with answering any questions we might have. There are many different resources on campus, and ones that I have benefited from is the Tutoring Center. They have tutors that can help with homework if you don’t understand. They also have the library that lends out books. Also, there is Vietnamese and Spanish speakers in the office. The Adult Education program offers FREE ELL classes, and you can learn as many times as you want. They have morning and evening classes, and all of the professors are very professional and nice.


Ibrahim standing in the campus quad at OCC
Hi, my name is Ibrahim Osman. I’m 18 years of age, born and raised in Ghana. I started my early life and education in Ghana till I completed high school. I have a gift of being a naturally born leader, and I love soccer and ping pong. My goals at Orange Coast College are to get a ground education and training to become an Airline Pilot. I’m currently in the Private Pilot Ground program and I'm learning a lot in this class. It is also leading me towards my goals. I’m in the Adult Dual Enrollment program which is helping me get prepared to obtain my GED and at the same time it allows me to obtain 11 free credit units, per semester, to help me complete my AA. I get free access to the Pirates Cove, library, and Student Union where I enjoy playing ping pong with other students. I recommend the Adult Education Program to anyone who wants to improve their quality of life, advance in their careers, and contribute more to their communities.


Miguel standing in the campus quad at OCC
Hi, my name is Miguel Angel Olmos. I am from Mexico City & I am 32 years old and currently living in California. Back in 2021, I worked as a car salesman for four years. At the time, I had no idea my life was about to change so significantly by moving here. When I moved to California in August 2021, my English was not at 100%. That’s when I decided to enroll at OCC to take ELL (English Language Learning) lessons—a decision that turned out to be one of the best I’ve ever made. I had never attended an adult school before because I was focused on my career in the automotive industry, and going back to school wasn’t part of my plans. I am incredibly grateful to OCC for giving me the opportunity to start my college journey. They have provided me with invaluable resources and support, helping me achieve both my educational and professional goals. I am now pursuing a major in Marketing and Sales and in the meantime will earn two Certificates of Achievement. I want to give a special thanks to the Adult Education Office for encouraging me to participate in the Adult Dual Enrollment Program. Without their support, this wouldn’t have been possible. I have nothing more to say than THANK YOU! I am proud to be a Pirate and excited for what the future holds.


Kim standing in the campus quad at OCC
Hi, my name is Van Viet Thien Kim: Van is my last name, Viet Thien is my middle name, and Kim is my first name. However, when many Vietnamese immigrate to the U.S., their middle name often becomes their first name. Because of this, some people call me Kim, others call me Viet, and some know me as TonyK, which is my nickname. My ultimate goal is to become a dentist, open my own practice, invest in properties for leasing, and build a happy family. To achieve this, I plan to complete the prerequisites at OCC, transfer to a university to earn my BS in Biological Science, and work hard to maintain a high GPA to secure acceptance into dental school. When I first started at OCC, I felt like a fish out of water, everything was new and overwhelming. I wasn’t sure which major or career path to pursue. Thankfully, with guidance from the OCC Counseling Service, I was able to clarify my goals and the steps I needed to take. I’m also incredibly grateful for the Pirate’s Cove, where I’ve been able to save money on food and discover some great finds in the Closet. The Library has become my go-to spot for studying because of its quiet and focused environment, and the Student Union has given me the opportunity to make so many new friends. In addition, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to my friends and professors. My friends have always encouraged me, helped me adjust to life here, and supported me whenever I faced challenges. Their kindness and understanding have made this journey much easier and more enjoyable. I also want to thank my professors for their dedication, patience, and guidance. Their knowledge and passion for teaching have inspired me to work harder and believe in my potential. Lastly, I want to highlight the Adult Education Program. Since Spring 2024, I’ve taken around 30 non-credit classes to improve my English, which has been the foundation I needed to prepare for my first credit classes next semester. Thanks to the wonderful classes and support offered by the program, my English skills have improved significantly compared to a year ago. Thank you, everyone, my friends, professors, and the OCC community, for being part of my journey this past year. I’m excited to see what lies ahead!


Jaquelin standing in the campus quad at OCC
Hi, my name is Jaquelin Estela Ixcoy. I am from Guatemala City, and I am 19 years old. I currently live with my parents in Costa Mesa, California. I had never studied at an adult school before, until now. My decision to study at OCC was to improve my ability to communicate with my coworkers and better connect with native speakers. I believed this would also give me better opportunities to find a good job. OCC has helped me because I am now able to start small conversations and function more confidently when communicating or asking for something, without needing a translator. I am grateful to OCC, especially the adult education program, for giving me the opportunity to learn English and continue my studies. I can now take advantage of these great opportunities, especially in a country that provides them. I am very excited and looking forward to achieving all the goals I still have ahead. I am thankful for the education I am receiving at this time.

MARCH 2025

APRIL 2025

Christopher standing in the campus quad at OCC
Hi, my name is Christopher Hernandez. I was born in 2004 in Mexico City, where I lived for 19 years. During kindergarten, my mom enrolled me in a bilingual school, which is where I learned English. I enjoy sports, especially taekwondo and football. I played football for six years in Mexico with different teams, and I would love to continue playing for the OCC football team one day. I also enjoy playing the ukulele and a little guitar, and I have a passion for learning new languages. Currently, I speak English, Spanish, and a bit of French, which I am studying at OCC. In the future, I would like to learn Portuguese and Japanese. I consider myself a proactive person who strives to excel in various activities and always tries to see the best in things. In Mexico, I began studying aviation for a year and flew with an instructor for 8 hours. I loved the experience and realized that aviation is what I want to pursue for the rest of my life. I recently moved to the U.S. from Mexico and am learning how to navigate the educational system here. My main goal at OCC is to become a commercial pilot, and I believe OCC will help me achieve that dream. Other objectives include enhancing my personal skills, such as learning another language, and developing new skills and knowledge through the courses I choose, all while striving to become the best version of myself...(READ MORE ON OUR SOCIAL PLATFORMS)


Adult Education Office
Phone: (714) 432-6897


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