Aviation Science

Are you ready to fly? Imagine yourself in the cockpit, heading for the clouds. Become a professional pilot, aircraft dispatcher or flight operations specialist through OCC Career Advantage. Our pilot training programs can meet the individual goals and needs of students from beginners without flying experience, to those with some training and experience. Learn to operate single and multi-engine aircraft through our certificate program, or earn an associate degree.

We also offer a number of certificates in specialized areas and prepare you to fly for charter and commercial airlines, corporations and government agencies. Or prepare to fly drones with FAA Part 107 training and learn programming and other drone essentials through our UAS/UAV Technology program. If you enjoy aviation but are looking for a less costly alternative to flight school, we offer an educational track that trains you for supporting careers in aviation, like aircraft dispatch. So start planning your take-off – read on to learn more about your options in aviation science at OCC.

A sampling of courses for these careers

  • Private Pilot Aviation Ground School
  • Aviation-Meteorology
  • Basic Air Transportation
  • Aerodynamics
  • Introduction to Flight Operations
  • Advanced Aircraft & Engines








Program Details

Complete one of our certificate programs, and you'll be well-prepared to enter a career in aviation. Build upon your skills if you’re already employed in the field. Or earn an associate degree for even greater advancement opportunities.

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Airline Transport Pilot

Advanced students or current aerospace professionals learn how crew resource management is used in the cockpits of commuter, corporate and airline flight decks. The program meets the aeronautical requirements of Federal Aviation Regulation Part 61.155 and satisfies the knowledge requirements for students pursuing careers as aircraft dispatchers.

Commercial Pilot

Advanced students or current aerospace professionals prepare to meet the licensing requirements to become a commercial pilot and to take the Commercial Pilot Knowledge Test. The program meets the aeronautical requirements of Federal Aviation Regulation Part 61.105.

Instrument Pilot

Pilots who already hold a private pilot's license can prepare to meet licensing requirements to become an Instrument Rated Pilot. The program meets the aeronautical requirements of Federal Aviation Regulation Part 61.65(b).

Private Pilot

Learn how to fly for personal pleasure and enjoyment. This entry point to aviation prepares students for private flight and the Federal Aviation Administration Private Pilot Knowledge Test. The program meets the aeronautical requirements of Federal Aviation Regulation Part 61.105.

View all program details in course catalog

Aircraft Dispatcher

Develop necessary skills to complete the aircraft dispatcher training and the federally administered knowledge and practical tests.

Aviation Science

Prepare to enter the world of commercial aviation, with options that include flying for airlines, corporations, government agencies or emergency response entities. Designed for students with no flying experience, this program includes flight training and academic courses. 

Flight Operations

Advanced students or current aerospace professionals prepare to enter the field of flight operations. Learn basic flight theory, advanced meteorology, airport and airline economics and management, advanced aircraft systems, and aircraft navigation for a career in aircraft dispatch, aircraft and aircrew scheduling, airport operations or fixed-base operations.

Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Prepare to become a commercial Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) pilot, technician and programmer in various industry sectors. Learn the special characteristics of different aircraft, how they are built, and fundamentals of control and propulsion systems.

View program detail in course catalog.

Aviation Science

Complete the Aviation Science Certificate of Achievement and the Associate in Science graduation requirements to earn an associate degree. You will be prepared to enter the world of commercial aviation, with options that include flying for airlines, corporations, government agencies or emergency response entities. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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Did you know?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people who have a certificate as
their highest level of education earned, on average, 20 percent more than
those whose highest education level is a high school diploma.