OCC wants you to get involved!
Students are highly encouraged to participate in any number of leadership opportunities. The links below will take you to the online application. The application link is followed by a brief description of the branch of student government that this position would serve.
- 2024-2025 Academic Year
- Student Senate Executive Board Officer - Application due Monday, December 2, 2024 by 12:00 noon PST
- The Student Senate exists to represent and give voice to the ASOCC, and shall oversee and serve the interest of the ASOCC and its organizations
- Each Student Senator must sit on at least one (1) Participatory Governance Committee.
- Student Senators shall make a weekly verbal report in Student Senate meetings.
- Student Senators shall have one (1) office hour weekly, during the regular school sessions (fall and spring semesters), in which they are only to conduct Student Senate business. Attendance of meetings is mandatory and Student Senators will adhere to this standard. Violation of attendance will be addressed by the Student Senate President and the Advisor.
- Each Student Senator shall have equal voting privileges, except that the chair of the Student Senate meetings may vote only in the event of a tie.
- Student Senators may, for cause, relieve a Student Senator from the position of Student Senate President or Vice President with two-thirds approval of those present and voting of the Student Senate.
- Student Senators shall submit, to the Vice President of Diplomatic Affairs, a written or typed report of the Participatory Governance Committee meetings that they attend within a 72 hour period.
- Student Senators must serve on at least one (1) of the Student Senate and Executive Board’s standing committees, ad-hoc committees, or taskforces.
- Meeting Times: Fridays, 9:00 - 11:00 A.M., SU 216 & Zoom
- Student Senate Executive Board Officer - Application due Monday, December 2, 2024 by 12:00 noon PST
If you have any questions, please email the Student Life & Leadership Department at studentlife@occ.cccd.edu or call (714) 432-5730.