Welcome to the Orange Coast College Umoja Community

Transforming, Enriching, and Advancing the lives of students by infusing culturally relevant pedagogy and practices     

 Donate to Umoja Today!   

What is Umoja?

Umoja is a state-wide student success program open to all students and is specifically designed to increase the retention and success rates of African-American students. The Umoja Program is a Learning Community that offers a variety of classes which strives to educate the whole student, informed by an ethic of love and its vital power. Academic success is also achieved through educational counseling, workshops, cultural events, mentoring, and personal development. The learning experience within Umoja will deliberately and intentionally provide each individual the opportunity to add their voice and their story to the collective voices and stories of the African Diaspora.

Maya Angelou - "When you learn, teach. When you get, give."



Academic/Career Counseling 
Culturally Relevant Workshops and Events 
Culturally Relevant Field Trips
Learning Co-Horts 
Culturally Relevant Classes
Jegnas (mentors)
Career Exploration and Networking Opportunities
Supportive and Safe Faculty Guidance
Umoja Annual Conferences
Student Leadership Summit
Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Tours
UC/CSU Tours
HBCU Transfer Admissions Guarantee 


Porch Talks
HBCU/UC/CSU Campus Tours
Career and Internship Workshops
Culturally Relevant Conferences and Fieldtrips
Culturally Relevant Workshops and more!

Learn about the Umoja Practices


Contact Us


Office Hours

Andrea Eke-Amacker, EOPS Counselor/Umoja Coordinator

Office: Watson Hall, 4th Floor, Umoja Rm. 456

Monday 9:00 am - 4:30pm

Wednesday 10:00am - 4:30pm

Thursdays 10:00am - 5:00pm

Hours vary and are subject to change. Please call or email for assistance.

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." -African Proverb

Student Testimonials

"Yes indeed, it was a great experience to meet other students that I can relate to and be able to share my experiences with."


"I really liked this umoja conference I learned how to budget my money , how to network , about ancient Egyptians , and so much more . I can’t wait for next year !"


Umoja students at a conference