Film & Television

Movies. TV. Commercial Production. YouTube. If you are interested in a career in the entertainment field, the OCC Career Advantage Film & Television program will give you the skills you need to enter or grow your skills and opportunities in the industry. OCC’s Film & Television labs include current industry-standard equipment and technology to prepare you to enter the working world immediately, or transfer to a bachelor’s degree program for further study if that is your goal. OCC graduates with skills and a strong drive to work in this competitive field are in demand and earn good wages. Whether you want to become a camera operator, videographer, director or producer of your own video content, the OCC Career Advantage program in Film & Television can give you a head start on that path. Read on to learn more about the programs we offer.

A sampling of courses for these careers

  • Film and Video Sound
  • Directing
  • Cinematography
  • Television Production
  • Digital Cinema
  • Story Developing








Program Details

Complete one of our certificate programs, and you’ll be well-prepared to enter a career in film and television, and earn an associate degree for even greater advancement opportunities.

View all program details in course catalog

Film and Television

Prepare for an entry-level position in the film, video, television, multi-media and entertainment industries in the areas of producing, directing, camera operation, lighting, sound and editing. This program is designed to give you two years of extensive theory and technical training in the basic skills required for employment in the film and television industries.

Immersive Media (VR/AR)

This program is designed to be a comprehensive 2-year study in both Virtual and Augmented Reality within the growing field of Immersive Media. Prepare for an entry-level position in Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Multimedia and Game-related industries in the areas of 360 video, 360 audio, VR/AR Development & Content Creation, Immersive Game Design, 3D Modeling, and Drone Imagery.

Media Arts and Creative Entertainment

Prepare for an entry-level position in the entertainment industry. Learn the skills necessary to create your own recorded-media projects and gain an understanding and appreciation of the various artistic and technical aspects of camera and narrative production. Learn performing, directing, storytelling, camera operation, event documentation, lighting, sound, post-production, and business practices.

View all program details in course catalog

Film and Television

Complete the Film & Television Certificate of Achievement and the Associate in Science graduation requirements to earn an associate degree. This program prepares you for an entry-level position in the film, video, television, multi-media and entertainment industries in the areas of producing, directing, camera operation, lighting, sound and editing.

Film, Television and Electronic Media - AS-T

Prepare for a bachelor’s program in a similar major within the California State University system by completing this associate-degree-for-transfer program, which will give you extensive theory and technical training in the basic skills. Students who complete this program are guaranteed admission to the CSU system, but not to a particular campus or major.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Did you know?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people who have a certificate as
their highest level of education earned, on average, 20 percent more than
those whose highest education level is a high school diploma.