
Function, beauty and sustainability converge in the field of horticulture. Well-designed and maintained landscapes not only make for a nice view, but they are also crucial to sustaining a healthy environment and preserving precious resources. If you like working with plants and gardens, enjoy a design challenge, or have a passion for preserving and sustaining the environment, OCC Career Advantage’s Horticulture program is for you.

OCC Horticulture programs will prepare you for a career in landscape design, landscape construction and maintenance, and/or sustainable landscape design and retrofitting. You can also gain the education you need to pursue a bachelor’s degree in a related field if that is your goal. Take the first step forward in your career designing, building and maintaining attractive, healthy outdoor spaces – read on to learn about our degree and certificate programs.

A sampling of courses for these careers

  • Botany for Gardeners
  • Knowing Your Soils
  • Ornamental Trees
  • Landscape Graphics
  • Cacti and Succulents
  • Interior Plantscaping









Program Details

Complete one of our certificate programs, and you’ll be well-prepared to enter a career in horticulture.

Build upon your skills if you’re already employed in the field. Or earn an associate degree for even greater advancement opportunities.

View all program details in course catalog

Advanced Landscape Design and Landscape Specialist

Gain the design/build knowledge and skills you need to solve landscape challenges with solutions that provide basic human comfort and livability. Prepare for a job in the landscape field or build on the skills you use in your job as a landscaper, florist/nursery grower, architect or contractor. 

Landscape Site Design Elements

Prepare for an entry-level position in the field of professional residential landscape design. Learn about grading, drainage, materials, structures, lighting and other complex components that require a deeper knowledge base.


The Professional Practice of a Landscape Design & Construction Business

Understand the theory and practice of managing a landscape business, including knowledge of legalities, finance, operations, planning, safety, estimating, bidding, decision making and the application leadership and managerial skills in various organizational environments.

View all program details in course catalog

Basic Landscape Design

Prepare for a position at the basic or entry level in grounds maintenance or as a park worker, gardener, or landscape designer through this program. 


Prepare for a position in the California horticulture and landscape contracting industries, in the areas of nursery practice, production and sales, arboriculture, interior plantscaping, landscape construction and maintenance.

Intermediate Landscape Design and Construction Specialist

Prepare for a career in the field of landscape design/build. Learn design, construction, history, basic horticulture — topics that provide foundational training toward becoming a licensed landscape contractor and related specialties.

Retrofitting California Urban Gardens

Gain an entry-level working knowledge of the skills and resources you need to design various sustainable landscapes. This program is for you if you are interested in transforming the landscape into a water-wise sustainable garden.

View program detail in course catalog.


Complete the Horticulture Certificate of Achievement and the Associate in Science graduation requirements to earn an associate degree. This program prepares you for a position in the California horticulture and landscape contracting industries, in the areas of nursery practice, production and sales, arboriculture, interior plantscaping, landscape construction and maintenance. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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Did you know?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, people who have a certificate as
their highest level of education earned, on average, 20 percent more than
those whose highest education level is a high school diploma.