Registered Dental Assisting


Dental Assisting is a challenging and rewarding career, requiring versatility and a willingness to assume responsibility for many different tasks which require both interpersonal and technical skills. Dental Assistants work directly with patients and play a key role in providing oral health care and treatment of dental disease.

The Orange Coast College Registered Dental Assisting Program offers instruction in state of the art dental equipment, digital and computerized systems, and standards of infection control mandated by the state dental practice act.  DA and RDA functions are taught to laboratory competency and clinical competency where applicable. The program prepares students through academic, laboratory and clinical courses for licensing and employment in this dynamic field.

Clinical Training includes rotation at local dental offices. Students will complete 300 hours of clinical training.

Upon successful completion of the program, will hold State of California Radiation Safety, Pit and Fissure Sealant and Coronal Polish Certification. Graduates are eligible to take the Registered Dental Assisting (RDA) examinations for licensure through the Dental Board of California.

Contact Us

(714) 432-5565

Office Hours

Mon to Fri, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat & Sun, Closed


Program admittance is accomplished by taking program prerequisite, Allied Health A010-Health Occupations or ALH 012,  and Allied Health A111 Medical Terminology. Allied Health A010/012 is a short-term course in which prospective students will submit an application to the program. Students are selected and admitted into the program on a first-come, first-serve basis by date of application. Allied Health A111 Medical Terminology may be completed at any time, but completion is required prior to program admittance. Both Allied Health A010 or ALH 012,  and Allied Health A111 must be completed with a grade “C” or better before program entry. 


Dental Board of California Approved Program

The Registered Dental Assisting Program is approved by:
State of California Department of Consumer Affairs,
Dental Board of California
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1550
Sacramento, CA 95815


Job Portal

Visit Job Portal site
  • Select POST A POSITION tab.
  • Click on Handshake link and follow the instructions HOW TO POST A JOB OR INTERNSHIP

Policy on Bloodborne Pathogens


Heather Moreno, CDA, RDA, MBA

Program Coordinator, Instructor


Diane Salcedo-Balding, CDA, RDA, BS



Jennifer L. Rafferty, CDA, RDH, MS



Lynne Marian, CDA, RDA, AS
