Culinary Arts & Baking/Pastry

Students may earn a Certificate of Achievement in Basic Culinary Arts or a Certificate of Achievement or Associate in Science Degree in Advanced Culinary Arts.  Students may also earn a Certificate of Specialization in Baking/Pastry, Basic or a Certificate of Achievement or Associate in Science Degree in Advanced Baking/Pastry. Go to the Culinary Arts & Baking/Pastry page for more information.

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Culinology / Food Science

Culinology is the blending of culinary arts and the science of food. Courses at OCC include Culinary Arts and Food Science and prepare you to transfer to California State University, Pomona in Food Science with a emphasis in Culinology.

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Food Service Management

The Food Service Management program at Orange Coast College provides a varied curriculum in Culinary Arts, Restaurant Management, Catering, and Institutional Food Service. Certificate programs are provided in each of these specialties and by completing the general education requirements, a student is eligible for the Associate in Arts degree.

Hospitality, Travel & Tourism

Since 1970 the Orange Coast College, School of Hospitality, Travel, & Tourism has been a central leader in the development of the hospitality industry, an industry that has experienced vast growth and ranks as the world's largest revenue industry and largest employer.

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