Welcome to the National Technical Honor Society at Orange Coast College
Meetings take place on Fridays from 12:30 - 2pm in Technology 222. All are welcome.
Students with coursework in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, mathematics), as well as computer science and all career programs are encouraged to join our chapter of this nationally-recognized honor society.
Academic requirements are:
Permanent Membership
- Currently enrolled in OCC coursework
- Completion of at least 12 units of letter-graded OCC coursework
- A minimum OCC cumulative GPA of 3.0
- Completion of at least three courses from among the STEM fields, computer sciences, or career and technical education (CTE) programs.
Provisional Membership
- Currently enrolled in OCC coursework
- First semester at OCC
- Graduated high school within the previous 12 months with a final minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 for grades 9-12
- Enrolled in at least one qualifying STEM or CTE course
Transfer Membership
- Currently enrolled in OCC coursework
- National member of NTHS with another school (chapter); provide a copy of your national membership certificate
General Information Form (PDF) (all applicants must submit this form once per academic year)
NTHS Application (PDF) Choose the ONE level of membership in which you meet all of the requirements
Completed applications must be accompanied by a copy of the OCC transcript (unofficial is fine) and a receipt from the OCC Bursar's office for payment*. Submit the application, transcript and receipt to: Garrison Honors Center (next to Global Engagement Center)
Paid membership fees include a chapter t-shirt, official NTHS chapter certificate, diploma seal, lapel pin, graduation tassel, and window decal.
*EOPS/Guardian Scholars students may submit their applications for permenent membership without payment receipt. The office will take care of processing your paperwork for payment by the service that provides these fees for you.
Advisor: Robert Castano: rcastano@occ.cccd.edu
Garrison Honors Center: GarrisonHonorsCenter OR 714-432-5601