Other Presentation Opportunities

Honors Transfer Counsil for California (HTCC) Student Research Conference for California Community Colleges at UCI

What is it?

Any OCC student who has taken an honors class at the college can apply to be part of this amazing conference hosted at UCI.

Visit the website

Date: Spring


Bay Honors Consortium

Visit the website.

Date: Check website for current information


Western Regional Honors Council Conference

What is it?

It is a professional organization of faculty, administrators and students dedicated to the promotion and advancement of undergraduate honors education. The WRHC represents honors programs and honors colleges at institutions of higher learning across the 13-state Western Region through an annual conference, newsletters and email communication, and through biannual business meetings at our regional conference and at the national NCHC conference.

Visit the website.

Date: Usually held in early/mid April

Also features a reception for SCRIBENDI publication of Honors Program students’ creative works (deadline to submit these is mid October)


National Collegiate Honors Council Confererence

Visit the website.

Date: Usually held in November


The Community College to PhD (CC2PHD) Scholar Program at UCLA

What is it?

The Community College to PhD (CC2PhD) Scholars Program is an introductory-level social science research and PhD preparation program. Every academic year their undergraduate research program accepts around 25 community college students in social science related majors.  Their definition of social science related majors include but are not limited to American Studies, Anthropology, Area/Regional Studies, Business Studies, Cognitive Science, Communication, Criminology, Economics, Education, Environmental Studies, Ethnic Studies, Gender Studies, Geography, Global/International Studies, Human Development, Legal Studies, Linguistics, Media Studies, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, Public Policy, Social Welfare, Sociology, Study of Religion, and Urban Studies.

Visit the website.


Contact Information

Chair: Jerome Fang - jfang5@occ.cccd.edu

Co-Chair: Ulli Green - ugreen@occ.cccd.edu

Canvas: Melissa Broox - marchibald@occ.cccd.edu

Website: Duy Pham - dpham@occ.cccd.edu