The Student Health Center offers treatment for acute short-term illnesses and injuries, gynecological services and contraception, physical exams, tuberculosis skin testing and lab testing (such as strep testing, pregnancy testing, STI testing and urinary tract infection testing). We offer free condoms, feminine hygiene products, narcan and fentanyl test strips.
Our Mental Health program provides short-term therapy and crisis intervention for students. We can make referrals to community agencies, or help to find appropriate local resources that fit your needs. All services are confidential except in cases where law requires reporting.
We do NOT give out ice packs nor any over-the-counter medication such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen at the front desk. An appointment and medical evaluation is required to determine if those treatments are needed.
We do NOT prescribe nor refill any ADD/ADHD/psychiatric or chronic condition medications. We do NOT evaluate for ADD/ADHD nor complete disability verifications/emotional support animal requests. Please contact your primary medical/mental health provider or health insurance for referrals.